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Computerizing a 16" StarMaster
I wish this came to a successful conclusion, but it doesn't. My last entry dated in September, 2000 mentions an upcoming trip to Europe. When we came back I had an incident where food got "stuck" behind my breast bone (sternum.) The rest of the story can be read here on my cancer diary called Dancing with the Dragon. By the time I felt sufficiently recovered, I decided I just wanted to use the telescope and not futz around with drive systems. I tore all the modifications off, filled the various holes with wood putty and took the scope to the 2001 Peach State Star Gaze where I spent some happy hours back at the eyepiece.

After the at-home testing, I think the system would have worked. Yes, it needed some tweaking but the principle of homemade gears cast into epoxy was feasible. I hope this inspires an enterprising soul into trying the same, inexpensive approach.

Page Modified: 4 September, 2000



 Parts List
 Altitude Sector
 Azimuth Gear
 Mechanical Assemblies Part 1               
 Mechanical Assemblies Part 2                 
 Mechanical Assemblies Part 3               
 Mechanical Assemblies Part 4             Mod 5/19/00  
 Mechanical Assemblies Part 5                Mod 7/9/00
 Mechanical Assemblies Part 6                Mod 7/11/00
Motor Assemblies                                     Mod 8/13/00
 Electrical and Data Hookups                 
 Menu and System Integration            Mod 9/4/00