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Located at 11 West 54th Street in the heart of Manhattan, the original Rhodes School building was constructed in 1898. The building underwent complete renovation in 1981 and is now used as executive offices by a bank. The school itself moved to the Upper West Side with the sale of the 11 W. building. Rhodes is one of the least represented high schools on the web, so thought I would see if we could create a home for alumni here.
New: Pictures from the 1964 Yearbook!
Subscribe to RhodesAlumni An ad for Rhodes from 1917 (click on image to view larger size) This page is a works-in-progress. If you have any information about Rhodes School or, better yet, were a student there - I would enjoy hearing from you. Please drop me a line at: webmaster@ngc1514.com
I was a student at Rhodes for my junior and senior years and graduated in 1964. There appears to be very little Rhodes information on the Web. I hope that former students stumble on this area and share names, faces and experiences so this page can grow.
Rhodes Images I was the photography editor for the 1964 Rhodester Yearbook and had hundreds of pictures of Rhodes and the people there. Alas, as so often happens, the photos gradually disappeared over the years until there are only a couple old, bent and stained photographs thrown into a drawer.
Each year Rhodes students would take a field trip out to Brookhaven National Labs on Long Island. Here are a couple shots from the 1963/4 trip. Cynthia Diercks (65) and Henry Navarette (64) sitting at a table in the Brookhaven cafeteria.
Who can forget Mrs. Hilda Webster's study hall? Here are a few victims. I don't know who is sitting on the left, but we have Steven Ginsberg and Pattey Jo Kohn (both 64) in the photo.
Mr. Anthony Nicholson (science teacher) and Claudette Smith (64) discussing the hardware at Brookhaven National Labs.
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